Tuesday 8 September 2015

Some more content on Garlic as a healer for many ailments-It's Basic properties

Garlic's properties summed up include the following:
 Reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar balancer, cancer combatant, fungus fighter, bronchitis soother, cold curer, wart remover, and immune system booster.
It also could mention garlic's potential career as an organic pesticide. This member of the lily family is one of the most extensively researched and widely used plants. Its actions are diverse and affect nearly every system in the human body especially the circulatory system.
Lots of people include garlic in their daily diets for health reasons, while many others eat it because they love its pungent flavor. Many thousands of acres of land in India is used for Garlic cultivation.
Uses for Garlic
As an antimicrobial, garlic seems to have a broad spectrum action. It displays antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral properties and is reportedly effective against many flu viruses and herpes simplex (the virus responsible for cold sores). Garlic can be safely added to soups, salad dressings and most of the Dals (lentils) that we eat in India as well as to dry vegetables we cook. It can be used quite extensively in non vegetarian diets such as chicken dry or curry, mutton dry or curry or fish. This builds up our immune system for especially fighting off colds, cough, or flu. Garlic reduces congestion and may help people with bronchitis to expel mucus.
Garlic is used to treat many types of infections: Garlic capsules can be used internally for recurrent vaginal yeast infections, garlic infusion topically as a soak for athlete's foot, or add garlic to an oil to treat ear infections.
Garlic may improve immunity by stimulating some of the body's natural immune cells. Studies suggest that garlic may help prevent breast, bladder, skin, and stomach cancers. A study of women in Iowa U.S. suggests that women who eat garlic may lower their risk of colon cancer. Garlic appears particularly effective in inhibiting compounds formed by nitrates, which are preservatives used to cure meat that are believed convert into cancer-causing compounds within the intestines.
Garlic lowers blood pressure by relaxing vein and artery walls. This action helps keep platelets from clumping together and improves blood flow, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. Garlic also decreases the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, substances that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Garlic's cardiovascular protective properties have been demonstrated in a number of studies, including a  4 year clinical trial on people who were 50+ years old, who already had symptoms of atherosclerosis. Those who consumed at least 900 mg per day of a standardized garlic supplement had significant reduction of arterial plaque formation.
Garlic contains a large number of unique sulfur-containing compounds, which are credited with many of this herb's medicinal actions. Did you ever wonder why garlic bulbs on your kitchen counter don't have a strong odor until you cut or crush them? That's because an enzyme in garlic promotes conversion of the chemical compound alliin to the odorous allicin. Allicin, in turn, produces other sulfur compounds: ajoene, allyl sulfides, and vinyldithiins. These sulfur compounds are potent antimicrobials and are thought to be the source of garlic's lipid-reducing and cancer-preventing effects.

The constituents in garlic also increase insulin levels in the body. The result is lower blood sugar. Thus, garlic makes an excellent addition to the diet of people with diabetes. It will not take the place of insulin, antidiabetes drugs, but garlic may help lower the need for additional insulin by reducing glycogen (stored sugar) release from the liver and by increasing the overall effectiveness of insulin.
Garlic is a herbal remedy that can be used as an antibiotic and to treat infections.

#Garlic #Fitness #Wellness #Healthyheart 

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