Sunday 6 September 2015

LEMON (Citrus latifolia or Citrus aurantiifolia (Nimbu)- Cardiovascular Benefits

LEMON (Citrus latifolia or Citrus aurantiifolia (Nimbu)
Lime contains an essential oil (7%), whose main components are citral, limonene, β-pinene, and fenchone (up to 15%). Lime oil has also been documented to contain oxypeucedanin, a phototoxic compound and up to 7.7% citric acid. Lemons are high in vitamin C; 4 tbsp. of lemon juice will give you half the vitamin C you need for the day.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It makes cholesterol less likely to stick to artery walls and prevents cardiovascular problems by lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertension, ensuring the proper dilation of blood vessels, lowering cholesterol, lowering the risk of congestive heart failure and preventing angina pectoris.
Vitamin P, another component found in lemons, helps strengthen blood vessels and prevent internal hemorrhage. For the same reason, lemon juice is also effective in stopping gum bleeding. Lemon juice is sometimes applied to the nostrils to stop epistaxis (nosebleeds). The antioxidants found in lemons and other citric fruits (called bioflavonoids) can also help prevent recurring nosebleeds by strengthening blood vessels and making them less susceptible to rupture. These antioxidants have the same effect on other blood vessels in the organism, being able to prevent cerebro-vascular accidents in people suffering from high blood pressure.

Lemons are also packed with limonene, a natural disease-preventing compound that helps lower cholesterol. In addition, its high levels of potassium help to control high blood pressure alleviate nausea and dizziness and uplift mind and body.

#Lemon #Cardiovascular #Benefits #Fitness #Wellness #Healthyheart 

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