While we are striving to detail medicinal properties of Shimbhala ingredients one by one with their research work and side effects as well, we are covering Ginger today as Garlic extract had been covered yesterday.
1. GINGER (Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Zingiberaceae)
1. GINGER (Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Zingiberaceae)

Ginger rhizome
is one of the most commonly consumed dietary condiments in the world.
Cardiovascular Benefits
The University
Of Maryland Medical Center cites several preliminary studies that suggest
ginger may lower cholesterol and prevent blood from clotting. Stopping your
blood from clotting can help people with heart disease, where blood vessels
become clogged and lead to heart attack or stroke. High cholesterol can also
lead to clogged arteries when the cholesterol builds up on the artery walls.
Ginger may also help to lower blood pressure, another indicator of heart
disease. The University of Michigan Health System informs that taking 10 g, or
1 heaping tsp., or more of ginger root per day can reduce platelet stickiness
and help clear arteries of plaque. Taking either dry ginger or fresh ginger can
affect blood platelets, but the dosage must be at least this much. Ginger
contains more than 12 antioxidants and can help reduce serum cholesterol
levels, improve circulation and lower the risk of blood clots, says the Herb
Growing & Marketing Network.
A study
published in 2005 in the “Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology” found that
ginger lowered blood pressure in controlled experimental conditions.
Researchers investigated the cardiovascular effects of ginger on the blood
pressure of different animals. Using crude extract of fresh ginger injected
intravenously in rats, researchers found a dose-dependent fall in blood pressure.
Further experiments in this research suggest that the blood-pressure-lowering
effect of ginger is due to the blockage of voltage-dependent calcium channels.
However, researchers did not examine the effects of ginger on the blood
pressure of humans. Ginger does not cleanse arteries, but it might have
protective effects. Research is still lacking to confirm whether ginger has
benefits for people with heart disease, according to the UMMC, but preliminary
research indicates ginger might reduce cholesterol levels. This protects
against atherosclerosis, a disorder in which fatty material accumulates in the
arteries and hardens, which narrows the arteries and can lead to blockages that
result in a heart attack or stroke. A study published in the "South Asian
Journal of Preventive Cardiology" in 2004 with lead author S.K. Verma
notes that ginger contains components with strong antiplatelet and
antithrombotic properties, which helps prevent blood clots. It also is a potent
antioxidant and scavenges free radicals, harmful substances that might
contribute to atherosclerosis. In the 2004 "South Asian Journal of
Preventive Cardiology" study, participants took either 5 g per day of dry
ginger or a placebo. After four weeks, the researchers evaluated the antioxidant
effects on the oxidation of blood lipids, or fats. Consuming ginger was shown
to have strong antioxidant properties for both healthy participants and those
with coronary artery disease.
Ginger is
available in fresh and dried root, oil, tea, dried and liquid extracts and
tinctures. The UMMC recommends taking ginger with food and consuming 4 g or
less per day as a general guideline, including food sources, but Verma and
colleagues say using less than 5 g yields inconsistent results in studies. A
typical dosage as suggested by the UMMC is 75 to 2,000 mg in divided doses.
Extracts should be standardized for 4 percent volatile oils or 5 percent total
pungent compounds.
Caution and Potential Side Effects
Because ginger
has antiplatelet effects, the UMMC advises not taking this supplement if you
have a bleeding disorder, and using it only with the supervision of a
health-care provider if you take other herbs or drugs with blood-thinning
effects, including aspirin. Taking ginger in addition to these substances might
increase the risk of bruising and excessive bleeding. Although ginger may have
cardiovascular benefits, it may also be harmful to people with heart disease.
High doses of ginger can worsen heart conditions. People with low blood
pressure or who are already on blood pressure medications can experience an
unsafe drop in blood pressure or heartbeat irregularities when taking ginger,
which can also interact with other medications, including blood thinners. Other
side effects are mild and include heartburn, diarrhea and general stomach
#Ginger #Cardiovascular #Fitness #Wellness #Healthyheart
#Ginger #Cardiovascular #Fitness #Wellness #Healthyheart