Friday, 25 September 2015

Air Pollution - A Silent killer running Amok !

Air Pollution is the single largest risk to our health, threatening to assume draconic proportions and raining death all around! New studies reveal that air pollution causes cardiovascular diseases including angina, ischemic heart disease and strokes apart from causing respiratory disorders and obstructive pulmonary diseases. Both indoor and outdoor air pollution are responsible for these health issues.
The new study links beyond doubt cancer to air pollution as well.
Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful materials into Earth's atmosphere. Air pollutants can be classified mainly into primary pollutants which have a direct impact on the atmosphere such as carbon emissions or sulphur dioxide emissions from industrial smoke. Secondary pollutants are caused by the chemical reactions of the primary pollutants, for example to smog we see in our cities.

Outdoor air pollution is increasing as a result of the inefficient combustion of fuels for transport, power generation and other factors such as home heating and cooking. Combustion processes produce a complex mixture of pollutants that comprises of diesel soot particles and the lethal killer, Lead.
Urban outdoor air pollution is estimated to cause 1.3 million deaths worldwide per year.
Some main sources of pollution are burning of fossil fuel (Petroleum, wood, dung, oil stoves etc) which emits pollutants such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Carbon emission is linked with the process of incomplete burning of fossil fuel.
Other contributors are agricultural activities, industrial activities, mining operations and all emissions coming from domestic and indoor sources.
Pollution in cities is measured in terms of Suspended Particulate Matter in the air commonly known as SPM.
The pollution is further depleting the Ozone layer which is necessary for the ecosystem of the earth, which due to the gaseous imbalance lets in more sun light and heat, warming up temperatures world wide and what we term as Global Warming. Over the last 100 years, large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are being released into the atmosphere. The majority of greenhouse gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy, although deforestation, industrial processes, and some agricultural practices also emit gases into the atmosphere. These Greenhouse gases act like a cover around our planet, trapping energy in the atmosphere and causing it to warm. This phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect and is natural and necessary to support life on Earth. However, the cumulative and excessive percentage of these gases in the atmosphere can change the Earth's climate and result in dangerous effects to human health and welfare including the ecosystem.
Premature melting of ice regions, increased sea water levels, loss of submarine life and changes in world climate in both intensity and frequency are the outcomes which are clearly visible.
Pollution is trapping us in our own backyard of technology and science, the hallmarks of the modern human race. We built it to facilitate us, satiate our ever increasing appetites for everything and truly demonstrating consumerism in all aspects of life. However a whole gamut of fallouts, consequences was never thought of, planners and the think tanks never had the foresight to build an appropriate structure of checks and balances. Some developed nations have just run away with the “the first one, the preferred one” advantage and have developed at the cost of polluting the whole atmosphere, having realised the perils of pollution and outsourcing manufacturing or processes which are polluting, twisting the global economies with their money power and clout. Now the developing ones although have woken up but still do not seem to be too concerned or atleast convey the impression of being hand tied. Most actions taken are out of compulsion and international pressure and the approach remains far too slow, lacking will.
On 25.03.2014 WHO declared that 7 million died in 2012 of air pollution caused problems. Approximately 15 deaths of every 100 were from air pollution related causes. This places the air pollution factor as the biggest environmental risk to health.
The report released by WHO has estimates which have been scientifically and logically driven and extrapolated on data received from satellites, findings of all ground level based institutions and region wise, country wise emission values and predictor analysis of pollution drifts mapped with existing natural air currents. The researchers have technology at their command which gives them better insights of regions, demographically and even rural and urban splits.
In 2012, regional analysis revealed low and middle-income countries in the WHO South-East Asia and Western Pacific Regions having the largest air pollution-related burden , with a total of 3.3 million deaths linked to indoor air pollution and 2.6 million deaths related to outdoor air pollution.
The findings of the WHO report show that outdoor pollution related total death count broken up reads as – 40% ischemic heart disease and 40% stroke vis a vis indoor pollution 34% stroke and 26% ischemic heart disease. Respiratory/pulmonary disorders in both remain between 10% to 11%. 
We can safely say that Air Pollution is a major reason of cardiac events and causes Heart disease. 
The Particulate Matter is responsible for thickening of the walls of the carotid artery, thereby increasing the chances of a myocardial infarction or stroke. The walls get thickened due to the deposit of particulate matter which is extremely tiny such as the PM1 (particulate matter one) which has the capability to pierce the blood stream and attach itself to free radicals in the blood and form plaque on the artery walls causing it to harden and thicken.

The American Heart Association mentions modern cardio vascular studies that suggest the possible links between acute and/or chronic exposure to Particulate Matter and cardiovascular events. It may be related to increases in heart rate and blood pressure, fibrinogen, and blood coagulation factors; arterial vasoconstriction; inflammatory mediators (eg, C-reactive protein [CRP]); endothelial injury/dysfunction; and reduction in heart rate variability (HRV). Resultants may include myocardial ischemia (significant ST-segment depression during exercise testing, angina pectoris, or both), malignant ventricular arrhythmias, increased plaque accumulation and vulnerability, and increased possibility for acute thrombosis triggering acute coronary syndromes and cardiac events.
According to Dr Maria Neira, Director, WHO’s Department for Public Health, “ The risks from air pollution are now far greater than previously thought or understood, particularly for heart disease and strokes.”
 According to Dr Carlos Dora, WHO Coordinator for Public Health, “Excessive air pollution is often a by-product of unsustainable policies in sectors such as transport, energy, waste management and industry. In most cases, healthier strategies will also be more economical in the long term due to health-care cost savings as well as climate gains.”  
The Chinese context - A total of 16 of the world's top 20 most polluted cities are in china. No. 1 on the World Bank list is Linfen City in Shanxi Province, China which is known for it’s coal industry. Lead poisoning was described in a 2001 paper as one of the most common paediatric health problems in China. 30% children are reported to have excessive lead levels in their blood. A Green Peace campaigner Mr. Zhang Kai for East Asia reported improvement over last year in certain cities of China such as Beijing. However he said “this is the only silver lining in a situation where 90% of cities still record levels of pollution that far exceed China’s own air quality standards.” China is also trending towards frequent Industrial explosions, killing many on the spur of the incident and releasing pollutants in the atmosphere in abundance.

A Chinese watchdog group, released names of top polluted cities in China which includes Yangquan,Datong, Shizuishan in Ningxia Hui, Sanmenxia in Henan Province, Jinchang in Gansu Province, Shijiazhuang in Hebei Province, Xianyang in Shaanxi Province, Zhuzhou in Hunan Province and Luoyang in Henan Province
Beijing stood 28th on ranking within China. Recently in the news for being one of the top most polluted cities in the world Beijing is atleast showing some signs of recovery and is slightly better off than New Delhi atleast. In Beijing, PM 10 levels decreased about 40 per cent from 2000 to 2013; in Delhi this has increased about 47 per cent from 2000 to 2011.
 The US context – The clean Air act has shown significant reduction across the board for major six pollutants. carbon monoxide pollution in the US reduced by went down by 51% for the period 2000 to 2010. For the same period Ground Level Ozone dropped 11%. Lead levels in air dropped by 89% from 1980 to 2010, Nitrogen dioxide by 52% and sulphur dioxide by 83%. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 and 1977 authorized the regulatory Environmental Protection Agency more teeth to enforce stricter emission norms all across and results have been encouraging. The US is also engaged in finding long term solutions to the problem of emissions, researching ways and means to replace the internal combustion engine.
The European Union Context – For the period 1990 to 2013 reductions in emissions of almost all air pollutants has been reported. The largest fall was in sulphur oxides by 86.7 %, non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) 60 %. Nitrous oxides (NOx) 53.5 %with ammonia  emissions falling by  27 % .
London- Nearly 9500 people have died in a single year in 2010, due to air pollution effects in London because of high levels of PM 2.5  and Nitrogen dioxide, a bye product of emission from diesel engines. In January 2015 NO2 levels in Oxford Street had exceeded the legal limit for the whole of 2015 in the space of just four days – while the limit was also breached in Putney High Street a day later.
However some of the counter measures taken by the UK Authorities include stricter Emission Zone standards, the delivery of more than 1,300 hybrid buses and capping of taxi age. The Mayor’s office in London also released plan for Ultra Low Emission Zone in London from 2020.

The Indian contextNew Delhi-The Times Of India recently quoted a recent research study revealing that in Delhi the most lethal ultrafine particulate matter or PM1 had high levels even in lowest pollution pre monsoon season and that too in the perceived cleaner and posh parts of the city. PM1 is the smallest of all particles. It is 2.5 times smaller than PM 2.5, which is 30 times smaller than a human hair width. The PM1 particles are so small and weightless that now for vehicles with Euro 5 fuel standard, the emission is being measured are in number of pollution particles as against the weight of particles.

PM1 levels are 35% to 50% higher than PM 2.5 levels in Delhi which is alarming since PM 2.5  levels are as it is skyrocketing in Delhi. Delhi is has earned the dubious distinction of being the world’s most polluted city, singled out of 1600 cities mapped worldwide.
PM1 can easily penetrate deep within the lungs and blood stream. PM1 causes cardio vascular disease. T K Joshi, director of Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) says "Since they get diffused with the blood, new research strongly suggests they can travel to the brain and cause strokes."

The National Green Tribunal has recently intervened in the face of inaction by the Delhi Government and issued a slew of directions to governments in NCR, most of which, although are yet to be implemented. It is heartening to see the NGT reviewing banning of old vehicles, diesel vehicles etc and even going to the extent of asking the manufacturers of cluster buses being used in Delhi for public transport as to why their models make so much noise.
Overall recommendations made by various institutions are gathering dust and the Delhi Government is still mulling over what to do and itching to pin it on the central Government for having done nothing either by releasing statements such as “it should not be the responsibilities of the state governments only to counter pollution. Centre needs to pitch in too.”Blame game is on and it is as murky as the Delhi smog.

Other parts of India fare no better. In India, more than half of the monitored cities have above-average or critical levels of particulate matter pollution below 10 micrometers. Future trending by any available technique is spelling impending disaster.

Steps taken by Government of India to curb air pollution include implementation of the Bharat stage-IV emission norms in 13 large cities including NCR for new 4-wheelers from 2010. Mass emission standards (Bharat Stage III) as a country wide notification defined for two, three wheelers and diesel driven agricultural tractors from April 1, 2010 throughout the country alongwith strict norms for in use vehicles in 2004. Usage of CNG vehicles for mass transport in cities such as Delhi. The Government also introduced alternate public transport systems such as the Delhi Metro and similarly trying to replicate in some other cities such as Jaipur, lucknow etc. Standards  have been developed for Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and load based standards for particulate matter (PM) including revision of PM emission standard for the cement industry.

However In India the Agencies monitoring the environment and implementing standards and norms to follow and creating awareness are slow in response and seem to be debating possibilities more than imposing a few and implementing them on a war footing. Decisions have to go through red tape and recommendations being implemented on the ground with alacrity are not happening. The problem seems to be set for compounding further by all the ambitious economic growth projects the current government is embarking upon without developing any meaningful pollution control protocol.

The framework of controlling measures falls far short of the scale and speed at which pollution is increasing, both in terms of oversight as well as in recognition of the gravity of the issue. Actions proposed or taken till now do not justify the intent.

The metro city public however has started viewing Environment pollution in India more seriously. In a survey conducted and statistics released by PEW research centre on how Indians feel about sensitive and critical issues, 74% of the respondents displayed extreme concern on air pollution in 2015 as against 52% in 2014. 73% were very concerned on global warming too.

The shift in attitude towards pollution problem also stems from the fact that Delhi residents and public have been in International and domestic platforms both with a spew of articles and readings on Delhi’s air quality woes. Nicholas Dawes, an editor at The Hindustan Times, said the media coverage was just one reason for the attitude shift. “I think the people of Delhi are increasingly unwilling to tolerate tough circumstances,” he said.  Dr. Joshua S. Apte, an assistant professor of environmental engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, studying Delhi’s air pollution since 2007, said recognition was a start. “The thing that gives me greatest hope is the huge increase in awareness that I’ve seen in Delhi just in the past year.”
However, by and large the problem of Pollution at ground level still lies in the annals of “read about it, feel about it  and let someone else act on it.”
As Pink Floyd puts it “Your lips move but I can’t hear what you saying. Oh I have become comfortably numb.”
#AirPollution #fitness #wellness #healthyheart

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Antibiotics – An Invasion in India, US and China !

Antibiotics consumption in the world is startlingly consumed in majority by India 13 billion as against China 10 billion and USA 7 billion, as brought by a study for the year 2010. Figures must be even more frightening for 2015 because there is nothing to suggest a shift in trends. More population, more infections, more drugs and inverse trends!

Globally, overprescribing antibiotics — or, prescribing it when a simpler drug would do — is the biggest reasons for the evolution of antibiotic resistant pathogens, disease-causing organisms.
Although population of the toppers is to be kept in mind since we are dealing in absolute numbers, the consumption per person is equally alarming. In per capita terms leader is the US with 22 units per person, followed by India 11 and China 7.

According to Mr.Ramanan Laxminarayan, research scholar and lecturer at Princeton University, the reason behind the proliferation of antibiotics in India is “a combination of increasing income and affordability, easy access without a prescription, willingness of physicians to prescribe antibiotics freely, and a high background of infections that should ideally be contained by better sanitation and vaccination.” People forget, he said, that “antibiotics do have side effects and […] they are less likely to work for you when you really need them.”

 The prescriptions whether private or in a research institute or a government hospital or dispensary will have a tendency to order a heavy prolonged dose of antibiotics to overkill the disease. A broad spectrum regimen such as penicillin shall be adopted backed by an aggressive dosage in both frequency and milligrams to ensure the infection disappears. Generally in the lax atmosphere of drug law enforcement, the chemist also delivers the drugs over the counter even without a prescription and without too much fuzz. Minimum effort. Minimum expense. Maximum result. This psyche of the Indian populace in general aids all such carelessly driven machanisms of the drug market too.
Many broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs (cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, and carbapenems) are sold over the counter without [the] presence of a documented clinical need.

The ignorance and callousness are at every level of the society – from care providers like doctors, to pharmacists, lawmakers, manufacturers and [even] the consumers.  In 2012, IIMAR reported that the Medical Council of India (MCI) had received 702 complaints of such over-prescription in 2011-12, of which 343 were referred to state medical councils.
“In 2010-11, MCI received 824 such complaints, following which it cancelled the registration of 10 doctors and warned four others,” IIMAR reported.
According to a senior Indian pharmaceutical controlling agency, “Chemist and [drug] associations are not interested in curbing their volume of business and the [pharmaceutical] industry is also silent for the sake of their profit,”
According to the consulting firm  Deloitte, pharmaceutical sales in India stood at 22.6 billion dollars in 2012, with a predicted rise to 23.6 billion in 2013. Sales are expected to touch 27 billion by 2016.

The companies developing the drugs have a high level of contact through medical representatives introducing newer brands and creating aggressive awareness, encouraging the prescribers and sellers both to be adventurous too ! Currently there is no oversight on appropriate prescribing. Who cares for the side effects ! Another disease developing could be treated with another regimen of drugs ! As frank Zappa says “another day another sausage”.

The lethal bacteria are starting to have the last laugh. This situation is caused by prolonged use of a particular drug or a family of drugs. This is apart from the side effects that these modern scientifically developed drugs carry with them. Mostly hit organs in general always include the poor liver and the kidneys.
According to a report on world’s anitibiotic report 2015, being released by Washington based Centre for Disease Dynamics,Economics and Policies (CDDEP), bacteria strain “Kleibsiella peneumoniae” has for example, assumed dangerous levels of resistance towards even last resort antibiotic class- the  Carbapenems. In India it is 57% in 2014, increasing from 29%. In Europe the resistance level is below 5%.  To class III generation Cephalosporins, the bacteria strain Keibsiella is 80% resistant, to flouroquinolones 73% and 63% to aminoglycosides. Carbapenems antibiotic class is meant to be used for the most extreme circumstances and as a last resort, only when the patient’s life is in danger and no other treatment will cure the infection.

India has recorded a resistance level of over 80% for 3 different drug classes in the case of the deadly E coli virus, which causes diseases of the intestines such as severe diarrhoea, abdominal cramps and food poisoning.
For a country like India with limited healthcare facilities and a doctor patient ratio of one doctor to every 1,700 people, as well as 29 percent of the population languishing below the poverty line, the emergence of super bugs could be disastrous, experts say. Infections that could be treated in a week or two in Europe could take very long for treatment in India and / or become life threatening!
India, with a diverse patient profile and a mostly unregulated healthcare system, was late to adopt the new protocol for rational use of antibiotics in 2011 and other remedial measures laid out by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Experts say That  there should be “antibiotic protocols for all hospital, clinics and dispensaries and this should be displayed in each healthcare-providing agency [and] institution. There should be statutory warnings on each pack of antibiotics, highlighting the hazards of misuse.”

“Time has come to raise [our] voices against the irrational use of antibiotics.”

Mcrobes They’re invisible. They’re everywhere and they rule.
#Antibiotics #Fitness #Wellness #Healthyheart 

Monday, 14 September 2015

Amazing Facts- Recognizing a heart attack and knowing what to do For Self and others, Godforbid!

Recognizing a Heart Attack or a Cardiac event !
With most heart attacks, victims do have some warning but most of the time the symptoms can be confusing. The stereotypical "Bollywood heart attack," clutching the chest in agony, is only one scenario. The feeling in the chest may be more squeezing, tightening or heavy pressure. It may travel down the left arm or up to the jaw or around the back between the shoulder blades, particularly in women. One study found that 71% of women experience flulike symptoms with no chest pain at all.
Both men and women may have indigestion, nausea, lightheadedness, profuse sweating, shortness of breath with little exertion and overwhelming fatigue.
According to a senior Cardiologist, "People whose heart muscle is shutting down often feel really tired, so they lie down and take a nap. That's not a good idea. They may not wake up."
Even if you merely suspect you might be suffering from a heart attack, seek help as soon as possible. "It takes skilled physicians and nurses and lab technicians and often some kind of imaging tests to actually diagnose a heart attack, so there's no way you can diagnose it yourself at home," says cardiologist Janet Wright, executive director of the Department of Health and Human Service's Million Hearts campaign, which aims to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes in the next five years in the US.

What to do During a Heart Attack

It does make sense to take one adult-strength aspirin, which prevents blood clots and may help keep an artery partially open. Chewing it will get it into the bloodstream quicker than swallowing it. The brand doesn't matter, as long as it's uncoated. There are sublingual glycerine sprays available as well used often by angio patients and sorbitrate tablets.

Call for Medical help or someone who can for you

Women in majority take longer than men to seek help when they have heart-attack symptoms--mainly because they don't want to make trouble and also because they have too much else to do. Some doctors also are guilty of brushing them off when they complain or mention their perceived or actually experiences.
A US research by a heart attack survivor, Ms. Thomas, and  a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showing that women are 7 times more likely than men to be wrongly diagnosed in mid-heart attack and sent home from the hospital.A 2005 poll from the American Heart Association found that only 8% of family-care physicians and 17% of cardiologists were aware that more women have died from heart disease than men every year since 1984. Women do bear some of the responsibility for delays in care themselves. "Women think, 'Yes, we'll call the doctor after we pick up the kids and finish that report and put the casserole in the oven,' " says Ms. Thomas.Public-health officials in the US also say that physicians need to be more aware of women's heart issues, and watch their bedside manner with false alarms.
Facts on Heart Disease – India and the US
USA: A 2005 poll from the American Heart Association found that only 8% of family-care physicians and 17% of cardiologists were aware that more women have died from heart disease than men every year since 1984 in the USA.
According to a American study” A lifetime spent being obese could be a predictor for coronary artery calcification, a major risk factor for heart disease”.
Researchers from the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute found that the rate of coronary artery calcification is higher among people who have been obese for more than 20 years of their lives, compared with those who had never become obese.

India: In India, the threat of heart disease has been significant for quite some time. It's been a case of the Pigeon shutting it’s eyes on a cat approaching. The very magnitude compels us to question every detail of our complicated lifestyle choices, diet and level of physical activity. This too in the urban educated class. The rural mass is dependant on godly intervention and hope, just like they pray for having good monsoons every year!
Heart Disease has been a leading killer in the West and has now aggressively made its way to India. According to government data, the prevalence of heart failure in India due to coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and rheumatic heart disease ranges from anywhere between 1.3 to 4.6 million, with an annual incidence of 491,600 to 1.8 million.
According to a report by published by The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), one of the apex trade associations on the cardiovascular disease scenario in India, the country has seen a considerable increase in the number of heart disease cases over the past couple of decades. The report suggests that the leading cause of this is India's economic growth and urbanization. A large section of the population has adopted an unhealthy lifestyle combined with decreasing physical activity, increasing stress levels and a higher intake of saturated fats and tobacco. 
Says the President of the Heart Care Foundation of India “2.4 million Indians die due to heart disease every year. The numbers continue to grow due to things like stress, unhealthy eating habits, lack of sleep and dependence on alcohol and cigarettes." 
In India very few programmes see the daylight of success or a good reasonable kick off! To address this rising heart disease epidemic, the government had initiated an integrated National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancers, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Strokes but nothing much has been achieved on this front so far. A senior health ministry official who wished to remain anonymous said "Though the programme is being implemented in 100 districts of the country, much still needed to be done to make it effective."
India will soon bear the largest burden of heart disease globally: In India, out of the estimated population of more than 1.27 billion dispersed across various geographical regions, about 45 million people suffer from coronary artery disease. ‘According to current estimates, India will soon have the highest number of cases ofcardiovascular disease in the world,’ says Dr Nikhil Kumar, Director, Cardiology, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon. It is estimated to account for 35.9% deaths by the year 2030.
Very recent projections suggest that India will have the largest cardiovascular disease incidence in the entire world. 20% of the fatalities in India are from coronary heart disease. By 2020, it shall go upto 30%. The incidence of the disease is as much as 10-15 years earlier in a life cycle than people in the west.
There are an estimated 45 million patients of coronary heart disease in India. An increasing people and majority are young. Current lifestyles suggest this number shall be ever increasing ! There are atleast estimated 50.8 million diabetic patients in India, a percentage which is the highest compared to any other given region in the world.
Diabetes occurs in India at an average age of 45 compared to 55-60 years in the rest of the better world inhabitations.
Blood Pressure is increasing rapidly in urban areas commonly known as hyper tension. Urban rate is 25%-30% and rural is 10%-15%.
Sedentary or inactive lifestyle devoid of any routine or exercise is a major cause of death, disease and disability in India. It causes increased mortality and raises cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and obesity apart from a higher incidence of colon and breast cancer, anxiety, hyper tension and lipid disorders or imbalances.
In the light of the above it becomes the responsibility of each and every citizen of any country to execute 2 roles, one towards oneself and one towards others especially community at large (very relevant in the Indian scenario) wherein education can be departed in all possible modes right up to the rural village ( In India the Gram)level.
The individual needs to know the disease and how it occurs, how to prevent, what broad diet to eat and lifestyle changes to be brought. Last of all how to handle a cardiac emergency after recognizing one !
Regular tests such as checking on lipid profiles and especially parameters such as LDL cholesterol, Triglycerides, blood sugar level done on a bi annual basis would be ideal as a routine monitoring.
Tell whoever you are in touch with and pass on the info to as many using as many means available as possible and hope awareness causes some arresting trends in an otherwise very dismal scenario.

#Amazingfacts #Fitness #Wellness #Healthyheart 

Friday, 11 September 2015

Apple Cider Vinegar- It's medicinal Properties

Apple Cider Vinegar: A Natural Supplement for Health
"Most Herbal experts recommend the use of raw, unpasteurized, unheated, apple cider vinegar as an important dietary ingredient. It reduces common infections, aids whelping, improves stamina, prevents muscle fatigue after exercise, increases resistance to disease and protects against food poisoning”.
Apple Cider vinegar is very rich in vital supplements such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements which are abundantly found in apples, such as potassium which normalizes acid levels [pH] in the stomach, improves digestion and the assimilation of nutrients, reduces intestinal and faecal odours, helps cure constipation, reduce some of the symptoms of arthritis and helps prevent bladder stones and urinary tract infections.
Apple Cider vinegar also contains Boron, a mineral which is necessary for all life. Deficiency of Boron in humans can cause bone rickets ( rough and deshaped).Without boron, calcium cannot form and maintain strong and healthy bones as both combine to give strength to the bone and aid in their formation. Boron affects steroid hormones release in the human body. It regulates their use, and determines the duration for which they should be retained in the body which is utmost critical..Blood and tissue levels of several steroid hormones (such as estrogen and testosterone) increase dramatically in the presence of boron. Both of these are needed to complete the calcium-to-bone growth cycle. This bond between these ingredients namely hormones, boron, and calcium is the main basis  on which estrogen replacement treatment for osteoporosis is so successful.
Apple cider vinegar should be made from fresh, crushed preferably green apples which are found in upper reaches and freshly grown for the purpose of vining. These are then matured in wooden casks and the vinegar thus obtained is amber in colour with the semi solid content at the bottom which is the "mother. Standardised variants of vinegar contain approximately 4 to 7 percent acetic acid, which is responsible for the way vinegar tastes and smells..
A leading research and health practitioner, in his own research has pointed out that apple cider vinegar lowers blood’s natural alkalinity, and getting it to be in it’s healthy acid state, with the ideal pH balance, which discourages bacteria and is less likely to grow yeast and fungus.The acidic qualities of ACV help break down protein, in the digestive system, for absorption into the bloodstream.
ACV is very effective in detoxification of the body. It purifies, breaks down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits within the body thus aiding in protecting all organs where it is likely that fat deposits and toxic deposits shall accumulate such as the kidney and liver.
Apple cider Vinegar helps extract calcium from fruits, vegetables and meat, helping in good bone and skeletal health of the human body. It also possesses huge amounts of Potassium which is necessary for the replacement of worn-out tissues of the human body apart from helping healing of soft tissues.Potassium deficiency can cause many ailments such as hair loss, weak finger nails, brittle teeth, sinusitis, weakness, prone to infections etc. The beta-carotene in Apple cider controls damage caused by free radicals, helping in the skin to keep firm and radiant. This beta-carotene within apple cider Vinegar is said to be in a natural and easy to digest form.
There are no known side-effects of ACV if used in recommended dosage as it has been consumed by humans from generations. People with high creatinine levels in the kidney or with kidney disease should however avoid using ACV.Pregnant or lactating women should also avoid ACV. or take the opinion of their medical advisor.


Vinegars and Acetic Acid Bacteria. International Symposium; May, 2005;
Available at: Accessed March 9, 2006.

US Food and Drug Administration. Acetic Acid - Use in Foods. Accessed March 9, 2006.   

Available at :

#AppleCiderVinegar #Fitness #Wellness #Healthyheart 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Some more content on Garlic as a healer for many ailments-It's Basic properties

Garlic's properties summed up include the following:
 Reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar balancer, cancer combatant, fungus fighter, bronchitis soother, cold curer, wart remover, and immune system booster.
It also could mention garlic's potential career as an organic pesticide. This member of the lily family is one of the most extensively researched and widely used plants. Its actions are diverse and affect nearly every system in the human body especially the circulatory system.
Lots of people include garlic in their daily diets for health reasons, while many others eat it because they love its pungent flavor. Many thousands of acres of land in India is used for Garlic cultivation.
Uses for Garlic
As an antimicrobial, garlic seems to have a broad spectrum action. It displays antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral properties and is reportedly effective against many flu viruses and herpes simplex (the virus responsible for cold sores). Garlic can be safely added to soups, salad dressings and most of the Dals (lentils) that we eat in India as well as to dry vegetables we cook. It can be used quite extensively in non vegetarian diets such as chicken dry or curry, mutton dry or curry or fish. This builds up our immune system for especially fighting off colds, cough, or flu. Garlic reduces congestion and may help people with bronchitis to expel mucus.
Garlic is used to treat many types of infections: Garlic capsules can be used internally for recurrent vaginal yeast infections, garlic infusion topically as a soak for athlete's foot, or add garlic to an oil to treat ear infections.
Garlic may improve immunity by stimulating some of the body's natural immune cells. Studies suggest that garlic may help prevent breast, bladder, skin, and stomach cancers. A study of women in Iowa U.S. suggests that women who eat garlic may lower their risk of colon cancer. Garlic appears particularly effective in inhibiting compounds formed by nitrates, which are preservatives used to cure meat that are believed convert into cancer-causing compounds within the intestines.
Garlic lowers blood pressure by relaxing vein and artery walls. This action helps keep platelets from clumping together and improves blood flow, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. Garlic also decreases the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, substances that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Garlic's cardiovascular protective properties have been demonstrated in a number of studies, including a  4 year clinical trial on people who were 50+ years old, who already had symptoms of atherosclerosis. Those who consumed at least 900 mg per day of a standardized garlic supplement had significant reduction of arterial plaque formation.
Garlic contains a large number of unique sulfur-containing compounds, which are credited with many of this herb's medicinal actions. Did you ever wonder why garlic bulbs on your kitchen counter don't have a strong odor until you cut or crush them? That's because an enzyme in garlic promotes conversion of the chemical compound alliin to the odorous allicin. Allicin, in turn, produces other sulfur compounds: ajoene, allyl sulfides, and vinyldithiins. These sulfur compounds are potent antimicrobials and are thought to be the source of garlic's lipid-reducing and cancer-preventing effects.

The constituents in garlic also increase insulin levels in the body. The result is lower blood sugar. Thus, garlic makes an excellent addition to the diet of people with diabetes. It will not take the place of insulin, antidiabetes drugs, but garlic may help lower the need for additional insulin by reducing glycogen (stored sugar) release from the liver and by increasing the overall effectiveness of insulin.
Garlic is a herbal remedy that can be used as an antibiotic and to treat infections.

#Garlic #Fitness #Wellness #Healthyheart 

Monday, 7 September 2015

Mental Vulnerability- A 36% contributor to Cardiovascular events

To understand all the risk factors contributing to actually developing into a cardiovascular event for any one of us it is necessary that we understand ourselves as a person, individual,personality,our traits,thought processes. Cardio symptoms come suddenly but have a long history and take time to develop. All these factors are contributors and in addition to all clinical ones which medical science keeps telling us and which are tangible and measurable, for example bad cholesterol can be measured. However stress does not have a measurement scale but might just be as deadly.

In the latest available research showing just how bad stress is for anyone, a new European study indicates that having a stress-prone personality could seriously increase the risk for heart disease.
The new research, conducted on a large Danish population, found that people who are "mentally vulnerable" -- meaning they are more susceptible to stress -- are at a significantly higher risk for both fatal and non-fatal heart events. The study's findings were presented on April 18 in Rome at the EuroPRevent 2013 congress.
Researchers measured "mental vulnerability" on a 12-point scale, looking at mental and physical symptoms that measured an individual's level of stress, and determined whether they had a personality that was more prone to getting stressed-out. A statistical analysis of nearly 11,000 individuals showed that mental vulnerability was correlated with cardiovascular events, both fatal and non-fatal, independently of normal risk factors like smoking, cholesterol and age.
The researchers followed the Danish group which was as large as  10,943 individuals initially free of heart disease, for nearly 16 years. Just over 3,000 fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events were recorded during the follow-up analysis, and the data showed that the risk of cardiovascular events in the mentally vulnerable was 36 percent higher than in the non-vulnerable, independently of other risk factors.
“So mental vulnerability might describe a ‘new dimension’ when compared to the five classical and all known risk factors, but to take this forward we need to identify sub-groups of the population where mental vulnerability does improve risk prediction beyond the classic risk factors,” one of the study authors, Dr. Anders Borglykke, of the Research Centre for Prevention and Health at Glostrup University Hospital, said in a statement..

Although previous studies have linked personality traits with cardiovascular disease and mortality, their role in predicting risk although wasn't very clear. 

For instance, a 2006 Duke University study found that regular anxiety, depression and hostility increase a person's risk of developing coronary heart disease, and that the combination of these negative emotions could significantly increase that risk. 

Research has also found that those with Type A personalities -- characterized by being competitive, impatient, ambitious and uptight -- are at a higher risk for heart disease, although one study found this to be untrue.
But personality type isn't the only stress-related risk factor for cardiovascular events. A 2012 review of studies also showed that excessive work stress could increase the risk of heart attack: Those with demanding jobs were found to have a 23 percent higher risk of suffering from heart attack.

#MentalVulnerability #Fitness #Wellness #Healthyheart 

Sunday, 6 September 2015

LEMON (Citrus latifolia or Citrus aurantiifolia (Nimbu)- Cardiovascular Benefits

LEMON (Citrus latifolia or Citrus aurantiifolia (Nimbu)
Lime contains an essential oil (7%), whose main components are citral, limonene, β-pinene, and fenchone (up to 15%). Lime oil has also been documented to contain oxypeucedanin, a phototoxic compound and up to 7.7% citric acid. Lemons are high in vitamin C; 4 tbsp. of lemon juice will give you half the vitamin C you need for the day.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It makes cholesterol less likely to stick to artery walls and prevents cardiovascular problems by lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertension, ensuring the proper dilation of blood vessels, lowering cholesterol, lowering the risk of congestive heart failure and preventing angina pectoris.
Vitamin P, another component found in lemons, helps strengthen blood vessels and prevent internal hemorrhage. For the same reason, lemon juice is also effective in stopping gum bleeding. Lemon juice is sometimes applied to the nostrils to stop epistaxis (nosebleeds). The antioxidants found in lemons and other citric fruits (called bioflavonoids) can also help prevent recurring nosebleeds by strengthening blood vessels and making them less susceptible to rupture. These antioxidants have the same effect on other blood vessels in the organism, being able to prevent cerebro-vascular accidents in people suffering from high blood pressure.

Lemons are also packed with limonene, a natural disease-preventing compound that helps lower cholesterol. In addition, its high levels of potassium help to control high blood pressure alleviate nausea and dizziness and uplift mind and body.

#Lemon #Cardiovascular #Benefits #Fitness #Wellness #Healthyheart